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Accounting & Finance

    Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (MSAF)

    CIP Code: 52.0304

    The goal of the MSAF program is to prepare managers to make sound accounting and financial decisions. Accounting and financial analysts who are able to identify and create solutions based on accurate quantitative analysis and compliance with current accounting and finance regulations. Topics include preparation of tax documents, auditing methods, budgeting, cost analysis, investment forecasting, and financial reporting. The integrated curriculum includes accounting and finance concepts and applications that enable graduates to become efficient managers of effective monetary transactions and investment leaders to support nation and international businesses and institutions.

    Program Objectives

    Together, the 12 MSAF courses provide the knowledge and skills that enable graduates to advance in accounting and finance career fields. Specifically, each group of courses in the curriculum measure a student鈥檚 ability to:

    • Apply foundational theories of accounting and financial reporting, which is demonstrated by successful completion of the exercises and projects required in the common- and program-core courses, and capstone course;
    • Formulate financial and fiscal problems to be solved using accepted accounting practices and financial forecasting, which is demonstrated by successful completion of analyses and creation of models required in the program core and elective courses;
    • Represent data and inform through effective reporting, written and oral communication, and representation of visual analytics, which are required in the program core and electives courses; and
    • Develop models using numerical data and accounting and financial reports from multiple sources, appropriate analyses, and ethical considerations, which are required in the program core and electives courses, and capstone course.

    Program Length

    It is expected that students will take two courses per term throughout their programs. Since many students take one approved quarter-off (vacation term) per year during their program, the normal program length is 2 years (24 months) with the expectation that students will complete in this length of time. Students are given 3 years (36 months) to complete their programs as long as they are making satisfactory academic progress.


    Common Core (2 Courses)

    • Course
      Credit Hrs
    • MGMT515 - Management that Transforms


    • TECH515 - Technology that Transforms


    Program Core (5 Courses)

    • ACCT 520 - Accounting for Decision Making


    • ACCT 521 - Advanced Accounting


    • ECON 520 - Managerial Economics


    • FINS 520 - Finance for Decision Making


    • QANT 510 - Statistics for Decision Making


    Elective (4 Courses)

      A minimum of 4 elective courses (18 credit hours) are required, which include at least one course from Elective Group 1 and one course from Elective Group 2.

      Elective Group 1

    • ACCT 522 - Principles of Taxation


    • ACCT523 - Auditing


    • ACCT524 - International Accounting


      Elective Group 2

    • FINS 530 - Financial Data / Statistics Management


    • FINS 540 - Investment Portfolio Management


    • FINS 550 - Case Studies in Financial Analysis and Reporting


    Capstone (1 Course)

    • CAPS600 - Graduate Capstone
